* Load message object with given uid.
* @class Message
* @memberOf jsxc
* @param {string} uid Unified identifier from message object
* Create new message object.
* @class Message
* @memberOf jsxc
* @param {object} args New message properties
* @param {string} args.bid
* @param {direction} args.direction
* @param {string} args.msg
* @param {boolean} args.encrypted
* @param {boolean} args.forwarded
* @param {boolean} args.sender
* @param {integer} args.stamp
* @param {object} args.attachment Attached data
* @param {string} args.attachment.name File name
* @param {string} args.attachment.size File size
* @param {string} args.attachment.type File type
* @param {string} args.attachment.data File data
jsxc.Message = function() {
/** @member {string} */
this._uid = null;
/** @member {boolean} */
this._received = false;
/** @member {boolean} */
this.encrypted = null;
/** @member {boolean} */
this.forwarded = false;
/** @member {integer} */
this.stamp = new Date().getTime();
this.type = jsxc.Message.PLAIN;
if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string' && arguments[0].length > 0 && arguments.length === 1) {
this._uid = arguments[0];
} else if (typeof arguments[0] === 'object' && arguments[0] !== null) {
$.extend(this, arguments[0]);
if (!this._uid) {
this._uid = new Date().getTime() + ':msg';
* Load message properties.
* @memberof jsxc.Message
* @param {string} uid
jsxc.Message.prototype.load = function(uid) {
var data = jsxc.storage.getUserItem('msg', uid);
if (!data) {
jsxc.debug('Could not load message with uid ' + uid);
$.extend(this, data);
* Save message properties and create thumbnail.
* @memberOf jsxc.Message
* @return {Message} this object
jsxc.Message.prototype.save = function() {
var history;
if (this.bid) {
history = jsxc.storage.getUserItem('history', this.bid) || [];
if (history.indexOf(this._uid) < 0) {
if (history.length > jsxc.options.get('numberOfMsg')) {
} else {
history = null;
if (Image && this.attachment && this.attachment.type.match(/^image\//i) && this.attachment.data && !this.attachment.thumbnail) {
var sHeight, sWidth, sx, sy;
var dHeight = 100,
dWidth = 100;
var canvas = $("<canvas>").get(0);
canvas.width = dWidth;
canvas.height = dHeight;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var img = new Image();
img.src = this.attachment.data;
if (img.height > img.width) {
sHeight = img.width;
sWidth = img.width;
sx = 0;
sy = (img.height - img.width) / 2;
} else {
sHeight = img.height;
sWidth = img.height;
sx = (img.width - img.height) / 2;
sy = 0;
ctx.drawImage(img, sx, sy, sWidth, sHeight, 0, 0, dWidth, dHeight);
this.attachment.thumbnail = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.3);
if (this.direction === 'out') {
// save storage
this.attachment.data = null;
var data;
if (this.attachment && this.attachment.size > jsxc.options.maxStorableSize && this.direction === 'in') {
jsxc.debug('Attachment to large to store');
data = this.attachment.data;
this.attachment.data = null;
this.attachment.persistent = false;
//@TODO inform user
jsxc.storage.setUserItem('msg', this._uid, this);
if (history) {
jsxc.storage.setUserItem('history', this.bid, history);
if (data && this.attachment) {
this.attachment.data = data;
return this;
* Remove object from storage.
* @memberOf jsxc.Message
jsxc.Message.prototype.delete = function() {
* Returns object as jquery object.
* @memberOf jsxc.Message
* @return {jQuery} Representation in DOM
jsxc.Message.prototype.getDOM = function() {
return jsxc.Message.getDOM(this._uid);
* Mark message as received.
* @memberOf jsxc.Message
jsxc.Message.prototype.received = function() {
this._received = true;
* Returns true if the message was already received.
* @memberOf jsxc.Message
* @return {boolean} true means received
jsxc.Message.prototype.isReceived = function() {
return this._received;
* Remove message with uid.
* @memberOf jsxc.Message
* @static
* @param {string} uid message uid
jsxc.Message.delete = function(uid) {
var data = jsxc.storage.getUserItem('msg', uid);
if (data) {
jsxc.storage.removeUserItem('msg', uid);
if (data.bid) {
var history = jsxc.storage.getUserItem('history', data.bid) || [];
history = $.grep(history, function(el) {
return el !== uid;
jsxc.storage.setUserItem('history', data.bid, history);
* Returns message object as jquery object.
* @memberOf jsxc.Message
* @static
* @param {string} uid message uid
* @return {jQuery} jQuery representation in DOM
jsxc.Message.getDOM = function(uid) {
return $('#' + uid.replace(/:/g, '-'));
* Message direction can be incoming, outgoing or system.
* @typedef {(jsxc.Message.IN|jsxc.Message.OUT|jsxc.Message.SYS)} direction
* @constant
* @type {string}
* @default
jsxc.Message.IN = 'in';
* @constant
* @type {string}
* @default
jsxc.Message.OUT = 'out';
* @constant
* @type {string}
* @default
jsxc.Message.SYS = 'sys';
jsxc.Message.HTML = 'html';
jsxc.Message.PLAIN = 'plain';