You should use this method if you have already a login in your website.
<form id="form"> <input type="text" id="username" /> <input type="password" id="password" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> <button id="logout">Logout</button>
jsxc.init({ loginForm: { form: '#form', jid: '#username', pass: '#password' }, logoutElement: $('#logout'), loadSettings: function() { return xmpp: { url: '/http-bind/', domain: 'localhost', resource: 'example', overwrite: true, onlogin: true }; }, root: '/jsxc/' });
AJAX Login
Do you want to login directly within your script? Choose this type.
<input type="text" id="username" /> <input type="password" id="password" /> <button id="submit">Log in</button>
jsxc.init({ xmpp: { url: '/http-bind/' }, root: '/jsxc/' }); $('#submit').click(function(){ var username = $('#username').val(); var password = $('#password').val(); var jid = username + '@localhost'; jsxc.start(jid , password); });
Box Login
Do you look for a discrete login method? Choose this.
<button id="button">Open Box</button>
jsxc.init({ loadSettings: function() { return xmpp: { url: '/http-bind/', domain: 'localhost', resource: 'example', overwrite: true, onlogin: true }; }, root: '/jsxc/' }); $('#button').click(jsxc.gui.showLoginBox);
Attach to existing BOSH connection. Helpful if you login server side.
jsxc.init({ xmpp: { url: '/http-bind/', jid: 'username@localhost', sid: 'SID', rid: 'RID' }, root: '/jsxc/' });
AJAX Prelogin
Attach to existing BOSH connection after JSXC was initialized.
jsxc.init({ xmpp: { url: '/http-bind/' }, root: '/jsxc/' }); function callback() { jsxc.start('username@localhost', 'SID', 'RID'); }