* This namespace handle the notice system.
* @namspace jsxc.notice
* @memberOf jsxc
jsxc.notice = {
/** Number of notices. */
_num: 0,
* Loads the saved notices.
* @memberOf jsxc.notice
load: function() {
// reset list
$('#jsxc_notice ul li').remove();
$('#jsxc_notice > span').text('');
jsxc.notice._num = 0;
var saved = jsxc.storage.getUserItem('notices') || [];
var key = null;
for (key in saved) {
if (saved.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var val = saved[key];
jsxc.notice.add(val, val.fnName, val.fnParams, key);
* Add a new notice to the stack;
* @memberOf jsxc.notice
* @param {Object} data
* @param {String} data.msg Header message
* @param {String} data.description Notice description
* @param {String} fnName Function name to be called if you open the notice
* @param fnParams Array of params for function
* @param {String} id Notice id
add: function(data, fnName, fnParams, id) {
var nid = id || Date.now();
var list = $('#jsxc_notice ul');
var notice = $('<li/>');
var msg = data.msg;
var description = data.description;
notice.click(function() {
jsxc.exec(fnName, fnParams);
return false;
if (data.type) {
notice.addClass('jsxc_' + data.type + 'icon');
notice.attr('title', description || '');
notice.attr('data-nid', nid);
$('#jsxc_notice > span').text(++jsxc.notice._num);
var saved = jsxc.storage.getUserItem('notices') || {};
if (!id) {
saved[nid] = {
msg: msg,
description: description,
type: data.type,
fnName: fnName,
fnParams: fnParams
jsxc.storage.setUserItem('notices', saved);
jsxc.notification.notify(msg, description || '', null, true, jsxc.CONST.SOUNDS.NOTICE);
if (Object.keys(saved).length > 3 && list.find('.jsxc_closeAll').length === 0) {
// add close all button
var closeAll = $('<li>');
closeAll.addClass('jsxc_closeAll jsxc_deleteicon jsxc_warning');
} else if (Object.keys(saved).length <= 3 && list.find('.jsxc_closeAll').length !== 0) {
// remove close all button
* Removes notice from stack
* @memberOf jsxc.notice
* @param nid The notice id
remove: function(nid) {
var el = $('#jsxc_notice li[data-nid=' + nid + ']');
$('#jsxc_notice > span').text(--jsxc.notice._num || '');
var s = jsxc.storage.getUserItem('notices') || {};
delete s[nid];
jsxc.storage.setUserItem('notices', s);
if (Object.keys(s).length <= 3 && $('#jsxc_notice .jsxc_closeAll').length !== 0) {
// remove close all button
$('#jsxc_notice .jsxc_closeAll').remove();
* Remove all notices.
removeAll: function() {
jsxc.notice._num = 0;
jsxc.storage.setUserItem('notices', {});
$('#jsxc_notice ul').empty();
$('#jsxc_notice > span').text('');
* Check if there is already a notice for the given function name.
* @memberOf jsxc.notice
* @param {string} fnName Function name
* @returns {boolean} True if there is >0 functions with the given name
has: function(fnName) {
var saved = jsxc.storage.getUserItem('notices') || [];
var has = false;
$.each(saved, function(index, val) {
if (val.fnName === fnName) {
has = true;
return false;
return has;